Year of registration in Hungary: 1989.
It is used as a standard variety in the national variety tests.
Description, characteristics: It has a tall, light green stalk. The cross section of stalk is rectangular. The leaves are longish and oval with slightly serrated edge. The leaves are light green. Its inflorescence is dark purple and blue. The thousand-seed weight is 2,2-2,4 g.
Economic value: In the official national small plot experiments this variety reached the dry matter yield of the best productivity registered varieties in average of 30-40 days long cuts. It is characterized by early blooming. After the spring and summer cuts its sprouting rate is fast. It stalk strength is satisfactory. Despite its soft stalk, its lodging occures only in case of overdue cuts. It is a long life variety, as it gave the higherst dry matter yield in the 4 th year of the variety test. Its field resistance to wilt diseases (Verticillium albo-atrum , Fusarium spp.) is good.
Production proposal: The variety can be produced (used) in any region of the country. It rewards the intensive growing conditions with very high yields. Its excellent productivity can be reached by use of appropriate amounts of fertilizer. On the other hand, its drought resistance under unfavorable soil and climate condition, proved to be excellent.