Year of registration in Hungary: 2006.
Granted with plant variety protection at the Hungarian Patent Office in 2006.
Description, characteristics: Its stem is medium high; the leaves are oval and light green. The flowers are blue. It is a persistent variety. During its lifetime the yield uniformity per cut and year is good. The alfalfa variety Szarvasi Kinga is a long life variety and has a good plant stand even in the fourth and fifth years, has a good cropland resistance and is characterized by excellent seed production capability.
Economic value: In the four years long national plant variety tests the cumulated results of the variety were the following: 63 t/ha dry matter, which contained 20.3% protein, and the protein yield per hectare was 12618 kg. Its outstanding adaptability is proven by the fact that in the national experiments in Slovenia and Turkey it showed good results.
Production proposal: Its growing in any part of the country can be successful, however, in favourable ecological conditions its growing is faster and gives higher yields than the standard Hungarian varieties.