Year of registration in Hungary: 1994.
Description, characteristics: In the growing season its dry matter yield is higher than the average of the standard varieties both in 30 days and in 40 days long cutting systems. Its yield is balanced, its stem strength, winter and frost resistance are good.
Economic value: The dry matter yield of the variety in most of cuts and in different years and areas is higher than the average dry matter yield of the standard varieties. Calculating the average ofthe experimental sites the dry matter yield is higher both in each year and during the four-year-long cycles than the average of the standard varieties in both cutting systems. During the production cycle the 40-day-long cutting system offered better results compared to the standard varieties. The yield uniformity per cut and year is good, in the 3rd and 4th years the yield was higher than that of the standards. Its stand thins out in a less extent by the end of the 4th year than the standard varieties.
Production proposal: It can be grown on any alfalfa growing site. In intensive production conditions it has very high yield both on moderately hard and hard soils.